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LSBE values both the theory and practice of Sustainability. This is reflected in both our pedagogy and the physical environment, our building.
School's environmental commitment 2:
The Labovitz School of Business and Economics building was built in 2008, and we're still extremely proud of it! One aspect that makes us especially proud is the fact that the US Green Building Council certified LSBE as successfully meeting the green building standards required for LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) at the Gold level. LSBE's Gold Certification was the first of its kind in the University of Minnesota system.
School's environmental commitment 3:
The Sustainable Business and Organizations minor is an interdisciplinary minor, which will complement any LSBE undergraduate major. Sustainability is an approach to business in which business goals are aligned with social and environmental goals. Opportunities for 21st century managers require, in addition to traditional business skills, understanding of increasingly complex social, environmental, and governance issues. Sustainability careers span a broad set of options in large companies, startups, nonprofits, and government entities.