Sharper reading comprehension skills make completing tests and homework assignments easier. Tell us what you’re working on, and we’ll connect you with an expert reading tutor in minutes.
Boost Your GPA
96% of our students report better grades after working with our tutors*. Learn reading comprehension strategies from our experts, so you excel in your classes and on standardized tests.
Log on and Learn, 24/7
With our online classroom, you can file-share documents, upload images, and collaborate using our interactive whiteboard. Chat via messenger or utilize the voice feature to talk with your reading tutor. Log on anytime, and work with your tutor one-on-one until your reading comprehension question is answered. Watch how it works.
Reading Tutors for All Skill Levels
Our reading tutors are available to help at any skill level from 8th to 12th grade. Plus, we offer support for honors and even college-level courses. Whatever your needs are, get the help you're looking for at a time that works for you.
*Based on 2016 survey of Princeton Review/ students