Got accepted to your dream school? Don’t slack off now. Congratulate yourself, savor your hard-won victory, and then get back to work.
If you read your college acceptance letter carefully, you’ll notice that it’s a conditional offer. The letter likely includes a phrase such as “You have been accepted, contingent on successful completion of high school .” That means that the college is still watching you, and they expect you to maintain the accomplishments and achievements on which they based their acceptance. If you don’t, you might find your college admission revoked.
It’s not common to have your admission rescinded, but it can happen. Here’s how to finish your senior year strong.
You’ve been working diligently for so long that it can seem tempting to let the grades slide. But most colleges will request a final transcript, and can rescind the offer if they see a worrying drop in performance. In addition, many colleges have requirements that a student never receive a grade below a C- ever, in any class. And that includes second semester, senior year. Our expert tutors can help you keep up your GPA or help you bounce back from a bad test grade.
AP exams are administered every year in May, which means you may end up sitting for a few of these tests after you’ve received your college acceptances. You might feel like checking out, but stay focused! At many colleges and universities, a high enough AP score will earn you college credit, helping you skip prerequisite courses, and maybe even save you a few tuition dollars.
Read More: 5 Ways to Prep for Your AP Exams
Busted by either your high school or the law? It’s no laughing matter. Schools can rescind their offers based on legal trouble, so think twice about that senior prank.
Set some strict privacy settings or else make sure that you’d be happy for anyone—including college admissions officers—to see what you’re posting. Always double check photos that friends have posted and tagged you in (and untag as necessary). Check out more of our social media tips.
Getting in is just the beginning of your journey. The habits you build while still in high school will carry through college, where your performance will dictate your future. And, many of your college courses will build on what you learned in high school, so it’s vital to stay on track.
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