SAT® Private Tutoring
Full-service SAT® Private Tutoring
Our most personalized approach. Customized. Comprehensive. Reimagined.
Enroll Now!
Our most personalized approach
Our expert tutors work with you to make a plan, set goals, and exceed them. Now includes our online SAT® and ACT® Self-Paced program.
Available in person and online. To speak with a Tutoring specialist, call (888)-231-7737
Enroll NowTop-Level Learning
- Expert tutors matched to your goals
- A dedicated tutoring manager who supports and guides you along the way
Open Communication
- Custom-built apps for easy management of student progress, communication, and scheduling
Practice Tools
- 2,000+ practice questions
- Access to 27 SAT practice tests
Expert Materials
- The Princeton Review’s SAT review books
- The College Board’s The Official SAT Study Guide
Includes Our ACT® Self-Paced Course
- 10 practice tests
- 140+ expert-created video lessons
- 8 ACT Subject Tests (including English, Math, Reading, and Science)
The Princeton Review Guarantee
- You’ll score higher, or we’ll refund your tuition. If you’re not 100% satisfied with your tutor after the first session, we’ll find you a better match—and you’ll get another session, on us.*
Compare Our Packages
Price Breakdown
Hours of Instruction
18 hours
10 hours
Progress Meetings
3 progress meetings
No progress meetings
Yes Guaranteed*
No Not guaranteed
Private tutoring comes with our exclusive
online instruction toolsFeatured Tutors
SAT® Prep Course Schedules
Private tutoring comes with our exclusive
online instruction tools
On-demand Lessons
140+ expert-created video lessons on every tested topic.
Full Score Reports
Informative feedback on your scores and where you should focus your prep.
Practice Tools
240 drills and 2,000+ practice questions ensure you’re ready on test day.
Open Communication
Mobile apps facilitate learning progress and appointment scheduling.
*Applies to 18-hour Comprehensive Private Tutoring package only. Restrictions apply. Visit for details. **Available with 18-hour Private Tutoring package only. SAT® is a trademark registered by the College Board, which is not affiliated with, and does not endorse this product.