Many law schools will ask you take the LSAT by December for fall admissionbut admissions teams don't wait until the deadline to start making their decisions. Get those applications submitted as early in the process as possible. A completed, ready-to-review application includes your LSAT score.

Student deciding when to take the LSAT

When is the LSAT Given?

The LSAT is currently given four times a year—in February, June, October (occasionally late September), and December. Starting in mid-2018, there will be six test dates annually. Here’s the schedule for upcoming LSAT test dates.

How to Choose Your LSAT Date

  • Schedule your LSAT test early enough that your scores will be available by your first law school application deadline. You can find the deadlines for many law schools under the “Admissions” tab of our law school profiles. We recommend that you submit your applications between late September and early November.

  • Typically, students applying for regular fall admission take the test during June or September/October of the previous calendar year. You can take the test in December or February, but many schools will have filled some of their seats by the time your scores hit the admissions office.

June vs. October LSAT

Assuming you are applying for NEXT fall admission, there are some advantages and disadvantages for these popular test dates.

June TestOctober Test
  • Gives you time to re-take the LSAT (including prep) in October, if you’re not happy with your scores the first time.
  • Is the only afternoon test date—the others begin at 8:30am. If you are truly not a morning person, consider the June test so that you perform your best.
  • Gives you the summer to prep, which could be helpful if you are a student taking classes full-time.
  • You can still retake the test in December, if necessary.
  • For college students, a June test means prep during your spring semester when you may be busy with projects, papers, and (eventually) finals.
  • Your applications will be submitted later than if you had taken the June test, though still within the September-November window.

Taking the LSAT in College vs. after Graduation

Plenty of people take a year or two off after college to work and prep for the LSAT. You’ll also find lots of company if you are planning to enroll in law school the fall after college graduation.

Whether you are taking the LSAT as a student or working professional, make sure your schedule allows you adequate time to prep for the test. For many schools, the LSAT is weighted just as heavily as (or even more heavily than) your undergraduate grade point average (GPA). You need to focus on reaching your highest potential score. The good news is that LSAT scores are valid for 5 years.

Preparing for Your Test Date

We recommend you spend a few months prepping for the LSAT by reviewing the test sections and question-types, working practice questions, and taking full-length practice tests. Take our free LSAT practice test to see how you stack up and what sections you need to focus on.