A “prestigious institution,” The Manderson Graduate School of Business, housed in the Culverhouse College of Commerce at the University of Alabama, provides MBA students with “great value.” Manderson MBA students can choose from six specializations, including business analytics, finance, financial risk, real estate, strategic management and marketing, or supply chain and operations management. Students spotlight Manderson’s “strong analytics departments,” which seamlessly teach individuals how to present “quantitative and qualitative analysis with ease.” Students also highlight the “small size of [their] cohort[s]” which truly allows them “to develop relationships with one another, the faculty, and the administration.” And speaking of faculty, students eagerly describe their professors as “knowledgeable” individuals who “care deeply” and are “there to help when you need them.” As one student boasts, “I have had faculty members replying to my emails in the middle of the night. That’s a lot of dedication.” Similarly, the “administration also has an open door policy and [is] always open to suggestions from students.” They make it known that they have the students’ “best interests in mind” and constantly strive to “help [them] achieve [their] potential.”